Since we don't really have words that begin with X, for this round we will except sentence that follow either of the following rules. (Each sentence should follow only one rule; don't mix and match.)
Rule 1: All words begin with "ex" (excellent, exigency, exuberant)
Rule 2: All words end with "x" (fax, six, flax)
Submit X sentences by Wednesday, November 16, using comments on this post.
Origins: ? (1)
Greek: ?
Frequency: 24th most frequent letter in English (2)
"X" from Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language (1755): "is a letter, which, though found in Saxon words, begins no word in the English language." (3)
Excepting exaggerated exuberant expressions, exceptional executives exhibit exemplary exhalation exercises.
Affix Borax, fix sax.
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