Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gratifying G

Submit your G sentence using comments on this post.

Origins: ?
Greek: gamma
Frequency: 17th most frequent letter in English (2)
"G" from Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language (1755): "G has two sounds, one is called that of the hard G, because it is formed by a pressure somewhat hard of the forepart of the tongue against the upper gum. The other sound, called that of the soft G, resembles that of J, and is commonly, though not always, found before e, i; as, gem, gibbet. Before u, at the end of a word, g is commonly melted away; as in the French, from which these words are commonly derived. " (3)


Erin Gong said...

Gallant George graciously gifted Gretel gargantuan garden gnomes.

Erin Gong said...

Grim gargoyles guarding Gothic gables gave guests goosebumps.