Friday, February 4, 2011

Crafting C

A cordial call for C sentences, and a few C considerations to court your creativity.

Origins: possibly an Egyptian staff sling or camel (1)
Greek: gamma
Frequency: 12th most frequent letter in English (2)
"C" from Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language (1755): "The third letter of the alphabet, has two sounds; one like k, as, call, clock, craft, coal, companion, cuneiform; the other as s, as, Cæsar, cessation, cinder. It sounds like k before a, o, u, or a consonant; and like s, before e, i, and y." (3)

Of Interest:
C does not appear anywhere in the spelling of the English counting system (one, two, three, etc) (4)

Although C words appear only 6 times on the list of top 200 most commonly used words, they makes up a substantial portion of our grammar vocabulary (clause, comma, colon, conjugation, capitaliz
ation, conjunction). (5)

Tip! Check out this reference for unusual words beginning in each letter of the alphabet:


Brady said...

Carefully, Cheryl cues certain cheerful canines.

[Take that, D is for Dog. I moved you up a letter!]

Bart said...
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Bart said...

Clever cheetahs craving conveyance commandeered cabs, causing customers considerable consternation.

Abe said...

Canceling consumer credit cards can create calm, convivial circumstances, 'cause contrariwise, constantly compounding credit costs could climb catastrophically, causing ceaseless, constricting consternation.

Erin Gong said...

Comical chefs create camouflaged cupcakes causing customer confusion concerning clandestine confections.

Brady said...

Clearly candid confessions create convivial communes!

Rita said...

Clara camel's capture caused complete chaos; consequently, Connie's cheerful children cried constantly.

Rita said...

Clara's colorful cookie crumbs completedly covered Connie's comfortable couch cushions, causing Connie considerable consternation.